Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Innocent straightforwardness of a child

There are some incidents which keep coming to you again and again.One such incident, small but significant and having much impact on my mind, occured last year in my life.When I sit alone and peep into my memory lane, it reflects in my mind.

Last year I was at my son's residence in Bangalore. One day when I was in a hospital recuperating after my angioplasty operation, my son along with his mother went to residence after spending a hectic day at the hospital. My daughter-in-law back at residence had to manage two kids - her son [3 years 9 months] and daughter [1 year]- single handedly and was a bit vexed. So when her husband reached, she gave her daughter to him to manage as she was crying.Out of affection for her son, my wife took the baby in her arm so that her son could take some rest.This hurt my daughter-in-law as she perhaps thought that my wife was worried only about her son's comforts and not hers.This led to some discussion and my daughter-in-law fell down unconscious as she often did when she was in a stong emotional turmoil.My grandson silently sat down beside his mother with tears welling up in his eyes.He kept sitting there in a deep melancholy - a perfect example of how things could be said without uttering a word which oceans of words could not say.

Next day , when my grandson talked to me over cellphone, his first question was 'why did you not go back to Varanasi ? ' When I explained that I had undergone a heart operation and I was bed-ridden , he said softly that I should go back immediately.

I pondered over as to why a child of just 3 years and 9 months reacted the way he reacted. I was sad to think that his soft mind must have suffered enormously.There was also a lesson for the adults that nothing should be said or done before a child which could hurt his feeling. His sixth sense helped him identify the root cause of the incident.It underlined the child's innocence of thinking and how free and frank he could be in expressing his feeling so honestly. Really, only a child can have a godlike innocence and honesty!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

10 Commandments for aged people

For aged people like those who are retired from active service there are some tips which may be followed by them as 10 commandments to lead their life gracefullyCultivate some form of regular exercise -It keeps you healthy and refreshed.
  • Never remain idle,make use of your time -A community always needs your wisdom, experience and capabilities.you can even start teaching children about geography, history,tradition,culture and civilisation,developing scientific temperament,and telling them stories from classics,epics,mythology and legends.The enjoyment is on both sides.
  • Do something you enjoy doing for the sake of doing - You did not had time during your working years but now you can do things like writing, painting, gardening, music etc.
  • Don't be a back seat driver of your children -Instead of constant interference and advice, give them freedom to use their discretion and choice.Remember your advice is valued and accepted only when it is needed and asked for.If you are very concerned about protecting them, act like the invisible safety net.The trapeze artistes of a circus do death-defying acrobatics,but remain oblivious to the net that is stretched tautly much below their line of vision to save them in case of any misjudgment.The net is totally self-effacing, and can hardly be called a participant, but it is very crucial for the entire act to unfold safely and smoothly.The net provides, almost unseen, a kind of security which initiates and propels them towards their achievements.Very often, involvement with or concern for a dear one prompts interference or meddlesome behaviour which at times becomes counterproductive as it can stifle and even extinguish the spirit of exuberance.
  • Be generous in your behaviour, actions and thoughts - Younger generation see a wise and benign figure in you. Also remember that when you forgive someone, you do yourself a service.
  • Avoid negative thinking - Many physical problems start in the mind. when we hold a grudge, it makes us sick, and harms us more than them.
  • Don't be a grumbler - Look at what is good in a situation, instead of what is wrong. Some of us are eternal sad sacks, looking gloomy and spreading gloom.
  • Be mitbhashi - Talk a little less than necessary.Don't keep harping on the past.
  •  Present a pleasing personality - Smile a little more.It adds beauty to your face.
  • Keep your turn out graceful - Look good and feel good; every age has its beauty and charm.There is nothing more beautiful than the sight of a well turned out grandmother or a grandfather'

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama bin Laden killed

The killing of ObL,perhaps the most hated person of the world after Hitler, is being celebrated all over the world as a truimph of peace-loving people over terrorists.It is indeed a great achievement for USA,especially for its intelligence and Navy.But the victory is only symbolic; not total.Terrorism is a mindset. ObL is not the name of an individual; he symbolised all those people who want to impose their thought over others by brute  force.His death is , no doubt, a setback to his group, but not a defeat. The conflict between good and evil has always been there since time immemorial personified in Ravan, Kansh, Hitler,...But its avatar as Islamic terrorism is very dangerous because it has doned a garb of religion working as a black hole for a large number of misguided Muslims. The real truimph lies in the change of the mindset and end of the causes for growth of such mindset-whether it is terrorism preached and practised by an individual or a group or a state or a system sucking the blood of billions of weak and poor people.It is also an eternal truth that the coflict between good and evil will continue till the human race strives for a better civilised life.