Thursday, October 15, 2015

Voice of hatred and intolerance being promoted against liberal voice

Voice of hatred and intolerance being promoted against liberal voice
Tactically the Muslims may support  Salman Rushdie joining the growing chorus of protests by writers and poets against spread of “communal poison” and “rising intolerance” in India. for the time being, but strategically he will continue to be the permanent enemy of both the Islamists and the Hindutvawadi because after all they both are two faces of the same coin. It is an unprecedented development with about 20 eminent litterateurs having already returned awards, but with no effect on the Govt or the aggressive Hindutvawadis. A Muslim was killed in Dadri and a riot/arson was engineered in Mainpuri by spreading a false rumour that a cow was killed by the Muslims. Eminent writers have been killed simply because they express liberal and progressive views, which are opposed to theirs,  The Pakistani artiste Ghulm Ali's concert in Mumbai and Pune had to be cancelled and  for organising a function for the Pakistani ex Foreign Minister's book Sudhir Kulkarni's face was blackened.The Govt should have immediately condemn these incidents and taken ster actins against the perpetrators of crimes, but, on the contrary , the Cultural Minister  held a veiled threat against the writers . This proves that there is a well planned  design/ conspiracy to attack on democratic and all the cultural and civilizational fabrics to shape them according to their own regressive concept/ interpretation/mindset with divisiveness , intolerance and hatred as its core . The recent killing of progressive writers shows that they believe in ' eliminate if someone does not agree with them'. Where are we heading for ?                                           Modi ji is a habitually talkative gentleman and  talks a lot on a number of topics, but he maintained a deafening silence. After 15 days when confronted with tremendous pressure from various sides, he broke his silence expressing his sadness on this issue, but trying to shift his responsibility to the state governments, saying the centre has no role in it. Firstly, the central Govt has enormous power through MHA. At least he as the PM, the highest executive position, should have immediately condemned the incidents. It would have gone a long way in quelling the situation and his ministers, MPs and MLA would not have indulged in provocative statements/activities. It would have sent a good and positive message to the nation, especially the minorities that the Govt was there to safeguard them, but he played the same tactics what he had played during Gujarat riots.
Either Modiji is unable to discipline his war -mongering cadres out of fear or under pressure from his supreme leader, or under a design he speaks of 'sabka sath sabka vikas' and his cadres are left free to pursue an aggressive divisive agenda. After the PM statement gave a statement to condemn these incidents, Sanjay Raut, Shiv Sena leader rightly described itby saying ' it is not a statement of  Narendra Modi ji, it is a statement of a PM'. Thus he differentiated between his two faces.
The Hindutva forces, who claim to be the sole custodian of nationalism and patriotism, are worried that such controversy over these incidents will tarnish the image of the nation and discourage the inflow of FDI into the country , adversely impacting the national development. They demand those raising voices against these incidents not to do so for the sake of national prestige. What a genuine concern for the nation and what a skewed argument! Who can be more worried for foreign investment than Modiji? Then why is he not telling his men not to pursue a politics/agenda of hatred and intolerance  for the sake of national development and national prestige? For sake of foreign investment and vikas such barbarous acts cannot be allowed. It is a very strange logic / argument that the perpetrators of crimes are not being asked not to indulge in disruptive and violent activities but the defenders are being asked not to raise voice against these violence as it would bring bad name to the country. This is exactly what is said in :' marenge bhi aur rone bhi nahi denge'. Do they consider the people and governments of other countries  as moron that if these incidents are not protested, they will go unnoticed.Obama,the USA President had already warned against such fratricidal tendencies- they are already aware of such dangers.
It is pertinent to underline here that extremism knows no limit. Today the Hindutva forces are fighting against the Muslims. Suppose they win and establish a Hindu state in India as Muslims have Islamic states in many countries. Their fight will not end there. Various sects of Hinduism - Vaishnavites, Shaivites, Shakts,etc- will fight among themselves for supremacy as they fought bloody battles in past and as the Sunnis, the Shias, the Talibans, the Al Quida, the ISIS, etc are fighting  fratricidal wars for supremacy in the middle east areas. Such fascist forces will also try to expand the territory of their influence , causing tention in the area. Hence these forces must be resisted. One must remember that not to raise voice against the crimes against humanity is also a crime

Monday, August 17, 2015

Striking Similarities

Striking Similarities
On one side: 
1- In France, when a cartoonist published a cartoon on Prophet Mohd, Islamist militants in a surprise attack killed almost all editorial board members of the paper which had published the cartoon. In Bangladesh,when a blogger wrote a blog critical of Islam, the Islamists killed him. ........................
2- The ISIS has declared showing a map that by 2020 all the Muslim states from Egypt to Palistine to Syria to Iraq to Arab to Iran to Afganistan to Pakistan including POK will come under the ISIS. By 2030, it has further claimed, that the whole world will be a Islamic state under ISIS.  ..............................
3- The Islamic militants are intolerant towards equality and freedom to weman whom they consider a machine to produce children.  ............. case of Malala and many others..................................
4- Islamic militants of Pakistan are strongly opposed to screening of Indian films in Pakistan.  ..............

On the other side:
1- In India, if painters like Hussain paint Hindu gods/ goddesses without clothes, they are threatened to be killed by Hindutva hotheads. If someone writes or speaks against their views, the Hindutva brigade brands them as traitors and bastards, and uses all the filthiest language against them.  .............................
2- The Hindutva Brigade has already a cocept of Brihad Bharat comprising all the land right from Afganistan to India to Bangladesh to Mynmar.The VHP has declared that by 2020 India will be a Hindu State, and by 2030 the whole world will come under Hindus with India as a Vishva Guru. ........................................ .
3- The Hindutva hotheads  are also intolerant towards equality and freedom to weman whom they consider a machine to produce children.  .................. cases of moral policing and recent statements.of some Hindutva Brigade leaders. ......
4- Hindutva forces are strongly opposed to cricket match with Pakistani team.  .....................

                             All these facts are well known to all, but I am reiterating them here to emphasise the striking similarities between the two sides with both being thirsty of secularists' blood and both seeing the same dreams exapansionism and hegemony. There may be some difference in the intensity of extremism due to their respective religious teaching, socio-religious invironment, etc, their mindset is same making them equally dangerous for the human soceity.