Monday, July 9, 2018

Why social values are deteriorating among children

Why social values are deteriorating among children
Yes, why? 

1- This change has not happened abruptly, all of a sudden or overnight. It has happened gradually. If the present generation is to be blamed, we are also to be blamed because if they are not as obedient and well behaved as we were, then we were also not as obedient and well behaved as our preceding generation was. The change is due to the changing time i.e overall transformation in the the society in various fields. Even if we try our level best, we cannot keep ourselves or our children in a sanitized isolation. We can at best sensitize them.
2-Unlike the large joint family living in sprawling spaces in rural areas , we have now nucleus family and paucity of space in urban living. Children live in close proximity of their parents and hence the privacy of the parents from the children is largely compromised robing the deity-like aura of greatness of the parents in the eyes of the children. This is also a reason for lowering of regards of children for the parents/elders.
3- According to our shashtras an individual's conduct and behavior is governed by the satoguna, rajoguna or tamoguna (you may call them the genetic qualities in biological terms) he inherits from his past lives (ancestors).
4- Parents and family are the first school of children. Sanskar comes from them. The first onus of inculcating ethics and morals lies upon them, and then upon society and school. The ethics , moral and social values cannot be taught through books and verbal communication, they have to be imbued through deeds and practice of the elders whom the children emulate. Dishonest parents cannot teach their children to be honest. Children will treat such parents as hypocrite .
5- The morals cannot be taught with sticks either ie under the pressure of threat and terror. If a situation around our children prevails just opposite to what we want to teach them, they may revolt violently, if pressed hard. It is against the child psychology.
6- The best way is to handle them softly and delicately in a friendly manner. If we want the coming generation to have good conduct, behavior and social values, we will have to change ourselves. We may start from our home by setting good examples for children to follow. If his father beats or insults his mother, he cannot respect his sister and his own wife, least to talk about the woman folk in general.
7- There is one more problem as to what we want to teach our children. The perception about the morals and social values differ from man to man, group to group and society to society. We should emphasize on the social values which are based on universality without any differentiation on the basis of sex, caste, creed, colour, ethnicity and regionalism .
8- One caution! With the fast advancement of science and technology, today the children have comparatively more and better knowledge about the world. They have also developed a more scientific temperament and hence they are more inquisitive and make more critical inquiries about everything. The elders should not take it offensive, rather they should promote it. Our feudal outlook towards our children has already caused much damage to the inquisitive minds of the children.