Thursday, December 12, 2013

Extract from our FB posts

    • 6 August at 09:40 via Mobile · · Anything that India produced in the field of literature, art, philosophy, science, language and grammar, theology, etc., etc., is 'saffron' in nature; and therefore, must be banned from being taught to the children ! This is the conclusion we have about our past !
    Yugal Kishore Singh No, I do not agree with the aforesaid conclusion. Saffronites only believe in the retrograde aspects of our ' literature, art.......................... theology ,etc., etc.'
  • Dinesh Sharma What do you believe Yugal ? and your definition of retrograde please 
  • Namitanshu Vatsa The onlything that I argue is that every Indian must look at its great heritage with a secular view. Even religion should beseen in a scientific context, as a part of human development. Our children must know about that heritage though proper glimpses. I would not have our children to be an obscurantist in any way ! However, the short sighted politics in the name of secularism is hell bent upon apeasing hard-core Islamists who only believe in one 'qoum' of believers, and they hate the national identity of this country. From various conversations with several Muslims, I have realised that the concept of nationalism is being seen by the hard-lined Muslims as against themselves ! They require a separate primary education system to educate Muslim children to be a true muslim, rather, separated from all else. And this is now being alowed and facilitated through govenment aide. What type of society we are going to make for the coming generation ?
  • Yugal Kishore Singh Dinesh , I think Namintanshu has already given the reply. I need not give the meaning/definition of the word- you know it as I have used the word ( retrograde ) in the same meaning as a dictionary defines it : moving backward, having a backward motion/direction, inverse, reverse, retreat , etc. Archaically, we also use it for contrary, opposed , etc. It is used in biology, space & astrology and music with some other definitions. I believe in progressive interpretation with open-mindedness and I am not shy of critical and scientific appraisal of our heritage, history, tradition , literature, art ,etc. I do not criticise the display of the statue of the naked dancing girl, an artifact found in Mohenjodero as 'perverted and vulgar' , I am proud of but I do not blindly support and glorify everything which is written in the Vedas, and other scriptures simply because they are part of our 'rich and glorious heritage and tradition' , I believe in our rich tradition of tolerance towards other's religion,culture and view points, I do not support divisive and communal interpretation of our history, I do not glorify all actions, right or wrong, of all hindu kings / sants and oppose those of Muslim rulers/ mullahs, I do not support the Sanskritised Hindi in everyday use, so on and so forth. I believe in passing a correct all-inclusive and secular picture of our heritage and tradition to our coming generations and the world at large.
    8 August at 04:01 · Edited · Like · 2
  • Lydie Vranken Yugal Kishore Singh you are a breath of fresh air!!!!
  • Namitanshu Vatsa True, Lydie !
  • Dinesh Sharma Yugal nice to read your views and i personally agree with meaning & essence of those words 

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